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来源: 小火车厂家 浏览: 发布日期:2017-07-25
The development of society, so that our space is occupied by the majority of high-rise buildings, a lot of outdoor playground gradually disappear, replaced by the rising high-rise buildings, because the development of society, contributed to our per capita increase Some houses have been unable to meet our living conditions, so many sites do not deprive. Gradually our playground began to transfer to the interior, forming a large number of indoor children's play equipment paradise.
    With the economic prosperity, urbanization process is accelerating, more people's living space is gradually compressed, but also gradually surrounded by reinforced concrete, the children's recreational space is also constantly reduced, the original children's play equipment comparison More parks, children's Palace Amusement City-style places, are constantly shrinking or even no longer exist.
    In order to create a spacious enough for the children enough safe and picnic places, indoor children's play equipment paradise came into being. In many city children's paradise, by the majority of children and parents of the warm welcome.
    Children play amusement equipment in our daily life is very common in many places, and even the cell door can see these small amusement equipment, children's play equipment industry, what are the problems?
    1, there is a blank on the regulation. Swing cars, small cars and children's inflatable castle is a small children's entertainment facilities, not high-altitude, high-speed recreational recreational facilities, not within the supervision of the Quality Supervision Bureau. A number of residential area, both sides of the road are equipped with children's recreational equipment, the number of not less than 15, are non-qualified business, private owners of self-management, there is a blank on the regulation.
    2, facilities management there are hidden dangers. Amusement park should generally be equipped with two to three professional staff to ensure the safe operation of the park. But the owners are only responsible for over-the-counter fees, not responsible for the care of children in the field, lack of awareness of security. Community around the children's entertainment facilities, because no special control, are "to spread" business, brand secret, manufacturers unknown, security performance can not guarantee that many equipment or "second-hand goods." In addition, these facilities maintenance and maintenance lag, the administrator to guard a sense of weak, from time to time maintenance, equipment, there are many security risks.
    3, health measures are not in place. Part of the night market, stores and residential recreational equipment on the seat of residual waste paper, peel, drink cups and other garbage. Poor hygienic conditions, dirty phenomenon of recreational equipment is widespread. For the recreational facilities of the health disinfection work, each practice is different, and some exist long-term cleaning, no disinfection phenomenon, likely to cause the breeding of bacteria, leading to child disease infection.
  • 上一篇:Let your baby know the safety code of the playground
  • 下一篇:在商场开个小孩玩的游乐场,赚钱吗?
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